8. Fleet & Account Preferences

Vehicle Photos Guide

Otto Admin
January 22, 2024
5 min read

How to get good quality photos of your car?

📸 We have noticed that vehicles with good quality photos get more bookings. As such we advice our hosts to get the best quality photos of their vehicles that they can 

To get good quality photos here are some tips:

🧽 Clean your camera lens

Before taking photos, clean your camera lens using a soft cloth. This ensures clear and sharp images.

☀️ Natural light is key

Take photos of your vehicle outdoors in an area with ample natural light. Avoid using flash, as it can create harsh shadows and unnatural lighting

🔍 Avoid zooming 

Instead of zooming in, physically move closer or farther from the vehicle to adjust the framing. This helps maintain image quality and clarity.

🚘 Make your car the focus

Position your vehicle in the center of the frame, making it the main subject of the photo. This helps renters get a clear view of the car.

🌳 Choose a clean background

Opt for an open background, such as an open field, a spacious compound, or a clean wall. Avoid cluttered or distracting backgrounds that can take attention away from the car.

🙅‍♂️ Exclude humans and animals: 

When photographing your car, avoid having any humans or animals in the image. The focus should be solely on the vehicle.

📐 Experiment with angles: 

Try capturing your car from different angles and perspectives. Play around with high and low angles, close-ups, and wide shots. Unique angles can make your photos more visually appealing.

🛟 Want Professional Support?

We are always happy to have someone from Otto come and take professional photos. Reach out to us at [insert link here] and we’ll give you a pricing quote 🤗. 

Here are some example of good quality photos:



Right Side

Left Side

Front Interior

Back/ Rear Interior