8. Fleet & Account Preferences

How to handle fuel costs

Otto Admin
January 22, 2024
5 min read

TLDR: This article provides guidelines for handling fuel costs when renting out a vehicle, including recommendations for fuel tank levels, recording fuel levels at the start and end of trips, charging for fuel differences, and handling post-trip fees.

What does Otto expect from hosts regarding fuel?

⛽ We recommend that you provide the vehicle to the renter with either: A) Full fuel tank, of B) 1/2 Fuel Tank at the start of the trip.

Please follow these fuel guidelines:

  • Record the fuel level at the start of the trip by taking a photo of the fuel gauge in the presence of the renter and remind them to that they should return the vehicle at the same fuel gauge point
  • Record the fuel level at the end of the trip in the presence of the renter
    • If the fuel level is lower than the level at the start of the trip, you would then charge the renter for the difference, as a post trip transaction. 
    • Charging a convenience fee is acceptable, but nothing more than KES 100. 
    • Don’t overcharge for the gas! This can lead to poor reviews, and even renter refusing to pay!  
    • If you repeatedly try to over charge for gas, and Otto is made aware of this, you may be temporarily suspended
  • See here, how to handle post trip fees with renter.