8. Fleet & Account Preferences

Pricing your vehicle

Otto Admin
January 22, 2024
5 min read

TLDR: This guide explains how to effectively price your vehicle for renting on Otto, covering everything from understanding the basics to adjusting for seasonal demand and ensuring you cover your costs while still making a profit.

How do I price my vehicle?

Once you register your vehicle, you can set or change the price of each vehicle within the “Fleet” tab within the appThis guide below helps you understand how to price your car effectively and earn what you want at Otto:

1️⃣ Understand the Basics:

  • At Otto, you have full control over the price you set for your car. We don’t dictate or limit what you can charge. 
  • When you set your price, Otto adds a surcharge (a service fees plus relevant tax), which is what will be displayed and charged to the renter. 
  • You will always receive the full amount you set, regardless of this surcharge.

2️⃣ Offer competitive pricing:

  • Look at what other cars similar to yours in terms of make, model, year, and condition are charging
  • This will give you an idea of the going rate and help you set a competitive price.

3️⃣ Consider Your Costs:

  • Take into account all the costs associated with maintaining your car, such as insurance, cleaning, servicing, and depreciation. 
  • Your rental price should cover these costs and still provide you with a profit.

4️⃣ Show Off Your Car’s Features

  • Unique or desirable features, such as a convertible top, high fuel efficiency, or advanced safety features can justify a higher price. 
  • Highlight these features in your car's description and make them stand out to renters

5️⃣ Adjust for Seasonal Demand:

  • Adjusting your price based on the season or local events. For example, you might increase your price during long holiday where demand is high or lower you price during off peak periods to attract more renters.

6️⃣ Regular Reviews and Adjust your pricing:

  • Regularly review and adjust your pricing based on feedback, rental frequency, and changes in the market or your costs.

💡Remember: Pricing your car is all about finding the right balance between competitive pricing, covering your costs and profit goals. Don't be afraid to experiment with your pricing until you find the sweet spot that works for you and your car.