3. Pickup & Drop-off

How to handle forgotten items

Otto Admin
January 22, 2024
5 min read

How do I handle items a renter leaves in my vehicle during a trip?

Sometimes, renters may unintentionally leave personal items behind in your vehicle. Here's a guide on how to handle such situations in a friendly and efficient manner:

🔎 Inspect Your Vehicle:

  • After each rental, thoroughly inspect your vehicle, checking under the seats, in the glove box, trunk, door pockets, and other compartments.

📲 Contact the Renter:

  • If you find a left-behind item, reach out to the renter as soon as possible to inform them about it.
  • Confirm with the renter whether the item belongs to them.

🔐 Safekeeping:

  • Keep the item safe until it can be returned. For valuable or sensitive items like wallets or electronics, store them in a secure location.
  • Respect the renter's privacy and refrain from accessing any personal information on devices or documents.

📦 Returning the Item:

  • Coordinate with the renter to arrange the return. Here are a few options:
    • In-Person Handover: If the renter is local, arrange a time and public place to return the item. Request identification from the renter to confirm their identity
    • Parcel: If the renter isn't local or unable to meet in person, consider sending the item as a parcel. Coordinate the specifics with the renter, and they should cover the costs.
    • Otto Support: If it's challenging to arrange the return, contact Otto Support. We can assist in coordinating the process.

📔 Lost and Found Log:

  • Consider keeping a log of lost and found items, including the renter's name, item description, date found, and the date and method of return. This log can be helpful for busy hosts with frequent rentals.

What if the Forgotten Items Remain Unclaimed?

If the renter does not respond or claim the item within 30 days:

  1. Unclaimed Items:
    • You can either store the items or contact Otto customer support to arrange for the item to be picked up.